Sunday, November 3, 2013


I am a teacher and I have a poster that I put in my classroom. The text on the poster reads: "Acceptance is seeing with your heart and not with your eyes." I do believe this AND I am much more ready to accept others with my heart than I am myself.

After participating in personal development seminars and understanding how I got to be the me I didn't like, I understood that I could love me and my quirks. And I do love me, except when I don't.

Also, the life that the LORD has given me and the journey He has led me on so far has been the road less traveled. I had a friend tell me one day, "If you and Jim keep going this way you won't have any friends." At first that hurt. I've never been a popular person or had a lot of friends and that has always bothered me. Then the Holy Spirit reminded me that I am not on a quest to be popular. I am on a quest to follow Him and join Him in what He is doing in my life and in the lives of others. So now, my friend's statement is a reminder and not a wound. I am thankful for the reminder. 

Making the letters in 'Acceptance' I stepped out and put the curly q's on the letters. I haven't done that before and wasn't sure how it would turn out. I REALLY like them.
Today's challenge didn't take me nearly as long as the other days. I find myself contemplating what I will do and looking forward to the time I can spend creating.

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