Saturday, November 2, 2013


Today is Shabbat for me. A time of resting and reading GOD's word. Refreshing. Hearing. Reflecting.

One of the things I heard today is about how deeply I feel. I have known it but not wanted to know it. In this month of Gratitude, I will remember that. I think it is key for me.

So in the afternoon I came to my studio/classroom. I home school my 8 year old grandson. I still have the table set up from yesterday. I sit down to watch the TED talk video. It is a good reminder of things I already know: Attitude, Awareness, Authenticity. These are at least three of the subjects that I have been spending the last 25 years changing and  putting into focus. (Based on his description of awareness, I am still 3 years old. I stop and look at lady bugs, flowers, etc.) I am feeling encouraged after watching the video and I don't want to turn any other words on to interrupt that encouragement. I think I got started on the pages (I am using two 5X8 watercolor pages.) at 1:00. I got up from the table at 3:30. Again, I got lost in the play. I tend to go with what I am sensing to do. I don't know theory and all of that when it comes to color and design. 

I am pleased with my results. 

 I had a scrap booking stencil that I pulled out and daubed on Golden ultramarine blue liquid acrylic with a sea sponge. I covered the edges of the paper with removable tape so that I would have a border after daubing on the paint. I wanted to try using a stencil and modeling paste and that is how I made the heart.  I am also currently taking Joanne Sharpe's Letter Love class so I am using lettering techniques that I have learned there. The back side of my left page was the right side of yesterday's page and because I did think that it may get ruined by the things I did today, I covered it with Glad Press 'n Seal.

I could never list all of the things that I am thankful for that are different in my life. I became a new creation in 1988. I was redeemed from the pit because of the blood of Yeshua, the Lamb of GOD. I follow the Holy Spirit. I have seen Him work in amazing ways in my life and through my life. I am highly creative and I am practicing listening to Him more in that area in order to become what He has already declared about me.

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