Saturday, November 2, 2013


Thinking that I am in need of a change, I came across a blog about gratitude called newly creative. I can't even remember how I got there.  I need some more gratitude in my life so I decide I will commit to arting about gratitude. 

About a week or two ahead of the start date I began to think about the kind of journal I want to I want to buy one or make one, etc. I decide I will make one and I ask some questions of the people I know who have made journals and then start to get my supplies ready so I will have what I need when the date comes. I get some of the pages ready by washing them with watercolors. I'm not sure how much time the journaling and techniques are going to take so I want to get ahead of the curve. I have decided that I don't want be perfectionistic and that I will try new things and make an effort to get out of my comfort zone.

The day comes. I wake up at 4:00 in the morning thinking about what I am going to do to my paper. (This is a good sign because lately I have been having trouble being excited about anything.) I have some ideas because the day before I was in my daughter's art classroom helping her get ready for maternity leave. I saw some ideas I liked and want to try. 

The first day is on Friday. I don't start out right away on my project because I have some 'work' that needs to be done. (I'm still trying to outgrow "business before pleasure.") I get home from shopping for some other supplies and it's 4:15. I decide that I will take an hour to play on my page and then I will go walk before it gets dark.  I get my supplies out. Set up my work area and I get started. The next thing I know when I look at the clock it is 6:15 and I'm not really finished. I got so caught up in what I was doing that I didn't even look at the time. Oh my...I really enjoyed doing this. Normally when I am quilting I have to get up and do something else. I love quilting but the hand stitching is rather uneventful.

I do love fibers and I have heard that Distressed Paint works on fabric and once it is dry it stays put. The quote is on a piece of muslin on which I put the same colors as the background and then used a Sakura IdentiPen to write the quote.

I wasn't really happy with the way the word 'Permission' turned out. I tried several different things. In the end, I decided to leave it and let it be the less than perfect on the page. 

Wow! I can tell that if I continue to put in the time for creating and thinking about what I am grateful for, this will be a life changing month for me.


  1. You obviously gave yourself permission to leave the word there. Well done. Thanks for joining in.

    1. thank you bernice for taking the time to read my blog. i am grateful for that.
